Home Thrust Reverser Actuation System (TRAS)

Thrust Reverser Actuation System (TRAS)

Woodward is a world leader in providing complete Thrust Reverser Actuation Systems (TRAS) with fielded capability on every aircraft type, commercial or personal. We provide the industry with locking actuators, feedback actuators, cowl actuators, isolationRead More

Features & Functionality

Our systems level approach allows for optimizing engine performance, improving reliability and significantly reduced time compared to sourcing individual LRUs. With a continuous approach to developing new technology, we remain on the cutting edge of low-profile TRAS systems that improve an aircraft’s weight-to-drag ratio. When combined with our testing facility, the result is a fully optimized and validated suite of hardware ready for flawless entry into service (EIS). 

Key Product Variants Include

  • Leverage of standard hydraulic and electromechanical component designs to provide high MTBF and reliability at Entry Into Service (EIS).

Key Features

  • Leverage of decades of reliable pedigree in hydraulic and electromechanical actuators, valves, servo controls, motors, position sensors and electronics.
  • Systems level design and testing to ensure high stiffness, accuracy and synchronization across the performance envelope, including extreme temperature effects. 
  • Unique ability to supply optimum hydraulic and electric-based architectures based on customer-driven requirements. 

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