Home News Woodward Featured in Northwest Quarterly Magazine

Woodward Featured in Northwest Quarterly Magazine


Woodward was recently featured in Northwest Quarterly magazine where David Forward, Woodward’s VP of Operations in Rockford, IL., spoke about how the company and Rockford are partnering to provide career opportunities that are helping to advance the aerospace industry.

“It’s a pretty broad range of skills that are required in this industry,” says Forward. “It’s not just engineering and manufacturing, but it’s also warehousing and finance and operations. We are touching so many skill sets.”

The article highlights the nearly 200 aerospace firms that are within 100 miles of Rockford and the impact the industry has on the broader region.

“The aerospace industry does a lot for Rockford,” says Forward. “But we also see where Rockford does a lot to support the industry with skills, talent, work ethic, culture and education.”

Read the full article here.

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